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Experience one of the most spectacular ways to cross the Alps: The Albula and Bernina lines of the Rhaetian Railway.
This mountain railway connects northern and southern Europe without the use of any toothed-wheel mechanism. A particular high-point of the ride is the panoramic view from the Bernina Express, as it passes mighty glaciers on its descent to a land of swaying palms.
The Bernina Express is a close friend of all people in Veltlin.
The itinerary of this train begins in the middle in Veltlin (Tirano) and reaches the hearth of Engadina.
This is the most beautiful train in the world - that's what most people say.
This extraordinary itinerary starts in Tirano (you can reach Tirano by the Italian Railways Trenitalia from Milan). This train climbs without the help of cogwheels across Europe’s highest railway Alpine pass, the 2253-metre-high Bernina.
Passengers will experience an exclusivity in Brusio: an exposed helical tunnel. On its route, the Bernina Express passes by the gigantic Morteratsch glacier.
From Pontresina you can choose to go to St.Moritz or to Chur.
- ITINERARY  TIRANO – ST. MORITZ (Km. 60,6 - about 2h 30min)
We remind you to have valid id.document or passport. 

TIRANO (m. 429)
CAMPOCOLOGNO (m. 540) Custom
BRUSIO (m. 760) x
LE PRESE (m. 965)
POSCHIAVO (m. 1.014)
CAVAGLIA (m. 1.693) x
ALP GRUM (m. 2.091)
DIAVOLEZZA (m. 2.093) x
MORTERATSCH (m. 1.896) x
PONTRESINA (m. 1.774)
CELERINA (m. 1.730) x
ST. MORITZ (m. 1.775)
stops (x) on request

…in winter…

Winter time offers you something else: a magic athmosphere. The red train climbs up to a magic world where the Alps are covered in snow and the the landscape is unforgettable.

100 years old!
In 2010 the Bernina Train is 100 years old! 

In 2008 the Albula and Bernina railway lines constitute the central element of the World Heritage. The Albula railway was completed in 1903, the Bernina railway in 1910. The Albula railway was constructed as a classic mountain railway for operation with steam engines. The layout of the line and the engineering structures built of locally quarried stone mark the zenith of the classic era of railway building.
The Bernina railway is an innovative adaptation of an electric overland railway with an exceptionally skilful layout in a high alpine landscape. Both railways link the Upper Engadin to international tourism and represent an ‘adventure experience’ for tourists.
Reputed specialists were engaged to construct the Albula railway (Thusis - St. Moritz). The layout of the route and all engineering structures were designed in compliance with the most advanced mountain railway construction standards of the day. The Albula railway was recognised as a masterpiece of engineering from the outset. The Bernina railway (St. Moritz - Tirano) immediately became the model for many projects throughout the Alps and the recognised standard for several railways that were built later. Today the Bernina railway is quite unique: it is the highest altitude transalpine railway and one of the steepest adhesion railways in the world.
The engineering structures of the Albula and Bernina lines (bridges, station buildings, signal complexes, tunnels and their portals) are in harmony with the striking topography. The choice of layout, in particular of the Bernina line, was largely motivated to highlight the attractions of the spectacular mountainscape for tourism. Both railways integrate buildings of the highest quality and conceptualise them in relation to the landscape, in terms of both their route layout and structures.


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コロッセオColosseo 古代ローマを代表する驚異の建築物で、永遠の都ローマの世界におけるシンボルである円形闘技場コロッセオは古代ローマ人が、剣闘士や猛獣の格闘などの見物用に建設した建築物の中で最大の大きさを持つものです。西暦72-80年の8年間をかけて、フラヴィア家の命により、ネロ帝のつくった黄金宮殿(ドムス・アウレア)の人口湖の上に建設されたものであり、10万㎥のトラヴェルティーノ石、鉄30トンを用いてつくられ、オープニングの際は猛獣の殺し合いなどの見世物が100日間も続いて祝われました。一度に観客6万名を収容可能で、見物客は道路と同じ高さの通し番号のついた80ものアーチから入り、丸一日過ごした後にはわずか20分で全員が退場できる構造になっていました。 コロッセオでは午前中は猛獣狩り、正午に有罪者処刑、午後は剣闘士の格闘が行われ、観客は暑い日には、皇帝艦隊乗組員が操る240枚の帆でつくられる覆いで太陽の光から護られていました。闘技場中心部地下は、猛獣の檻や見世物の舞台装置や機械類の置き場となり地下と闘技場の間には板が敷かれ、血を吸わせるための砂がまかれていました。コロッセオの通路を進んでいくと、今日でも、不思議な魅力にとりつかれずにはいられません。やや矛盾しますが、一方では、コロッセオは古代ローマ文明の建築の最高峰を代表する一方で、他方では、見世物の残虐性の中に同文明の最大の暗黒部分も現れているからです。 中世になるとコロッセオは要塞と変貌し、続いて、建設資材の掘り出し場として使われました。トラヴェルティーノ角材をつないでいた金属製留め金は取り外され、コロッセオのいたるところに残された穴の存在が確認されます。 アドバイス:入場のための長蛇の列を避けるために、サン・グレゴリオ通りのパラティーノの丘側、あるいはティート凱旋門のそばのチケット売り場をおすすめします。 フォロ・ロマーノIl Foro Romano フォロ・ロマーノはローマで最も重要な考古学地区であり、偉大な作家T.S.エリオットが記した「歴史的感覚」を持つということは過去に生きていた人々を現代の同世代の人々のように感じることであることに気づく上で理想的な場所です。フォロ(公共広場)は、ローマの公的生活の中心であり、パラティーノの丘とカンピードリオの丘の間に広がっていた湿地を灌...

Montisola - L'isola lacustre più grande d'Europa

Montisola può essere paragonata ad una perla incastonata nel lago d'Iseo. Nell’antichità, era completamente boscosa e possedeva un tempio pagano sulla sua sommità. Successivamente, nel V secolo d. C., fu cristianizzata dal Vescovo bresciano S. Vigilio. Luogo di possedimenti monastici rurali intorno all’anno Mille, vide dapprima nascere borghi agricoli nelle posizioni più elevate ed, in epoca successiva, borghi di pescatori lungo la costa. Verso il sec. XIII, a difesa del territorio bresciano, gli Oldofredi vi costruirono un castello (ora Rocca Martinengo). Monte Isola ha una secolare tradizione nella fabbricazione delle reti da pesca e nella costruzione delle barche in legno. Attualmente forma un unico comune, dove è vietata la circolazione alle auto. Monte Isola ci diviene subito familiare, perché risveglia in noi l’aspirazione per un’esistenza più serena. La serenità è la caratteristica dell’isola. Nasce dai riflessi luminosi delle acque, dalle foglie argenta...

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